Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fadda his own words...

All this sudden hand-wringing over the Climate Crisis is preposterous.
It didn't start the day Al Gore's movie went big.
All but the oldest living humans have been aware of the probable consequences of Atmospheric Pollution for most of their lives.
Fifty years ago, when overconsumption of petroleum products began in earnest, voices proclaiming the dangers were squelched in the name of progress...but, they were there.
The Cultural Revolution of the '60's brought our awareness level to a point where it can only be concluded that most of us preferred to ignore the warnings.
No-one can claim they were never heard.

These generalities apply only to humans whose lives are taking place in modern, industrialized nations...contributing to the problem...
Those whose lives remain primitive, have little effect on the issue at hand.
The fact that they are out of the loop means little...except, consequentially, to them...but, there's nothing they can do...
They're not going to see this.
It's aimed at those of us who are...

I think the deepest depth of blame lies with a very specific group.
No, not megalomaniacal Oil Barons/Sheiks, nor their viscious minions...the blame lies with those of the age who, faced with controversial decisions, chose to ignore the threat, basically repeat their parents lives...with better toys...and dummy up, now that it's time to pay the piper.

Yes, I'm talking to know who you are...
Dare I call you 'The Silent Majority'?
I bet none of you think of yourself that way,'s who you've did said nothing, except maybe throw a few verbal jabs at the wackos who were speaking up...and ninety percent of everything you purchase today is made with petroleum products...
Except, of course, food...which comes to you compliments of King Petro Chem...fertilizers, fuel, and packaging...all petroleum products...
Now, even if you suddenly wake up, and just flat out stop using carbon based fuels, you still can't stop the train wreck...
Without a use for petro fuels, there will be no petroleum products...plastic is made from Petro Chemical least it was waste before you started helping out King Petro Chem by buying it...

This scenario leads to Global Economic chaos, all out war in the streets, and generally, not a pretty picture.

Plus, all the harm done is for naught.
Whadda ya got ta show for it?...a vehicle that cost more than a house did a few years ago, and gets around about as cheaply as house moving...a garage full of expensive plastic know...

It's become fashionable to have a personal balance sheet.
I bet a lot of you show a net worth somewhere near that 1950's magic million dollar mark.

Go try to collect.
You have a marker...valid only in this game...the only game in town...
Even if you could cash in, you'll be broke before you die...unless your insurance fails, and some everyday ( non-life threatening with insurance ) event brings you to ground early...

The next morning...

Does it bother you that our two leading Enviro Mentalists, Branson and Gore, believe that we are still about Saving the Earth, and doing so via Moral Authority?

Branson's Ecosite waxes poetic about Save the Earth, and a flowery future, but still proposes a technological solution. His intentions seem good, but he's a gadget freak.

Here's an idea...keep Virgin flying, but drag some sort of filtering device behind the aircraft...or, seed the exhaust with a chemical that neutralizes carbon-dioxide buildup, and turns it into a natural fertilizing agent, which falls with the rain...something clever...that's what Sir Richard wants...and, he hasn't yet realized that it's about saving our niche upon Earth.

Mudda Eart don't need us...and it is the ultimate vanity to believe we have any hand in saving her...from what?


I heard Algore say that we would solve the problem of emerging industrial giants...China, for example...and their certain contribution to the Climate Crisis, by exerting our Moral Authority.

Algore's never done anything that interests me, so I know little...except that he's married to Tipper, believes we will succeed via Moral Authority, and his father was a stereotypical influence peddler, who epitomized smarm.

That's more than enough for me.

to be continued...