Friday, March 9, 2007

Media Planting...update...

In an earlier post, I brought up Media Planting...check it only takes a few minutes to get the idea.

Back already? we go...Czech President Klaus, in comments given at The Cato Institute, says...

Not only has the notion of Ecobabbleism reached his ears, it came to him through my contact with Cato Institute, via a link on

Drudge is like having my own wire-service. It's great.

Lately, they feature some sort of Ecobabble on a daily basis.

The other day Drudge ran an article about Hookers being affected by Global Warming. Seems the Central European Ski Resort trade is off.

Drudge also carries regular updates on more serious Environmental issues. These links are invaluable to Yours Truly. Response to an article is more likely to be read than just sending random, introductory emails.

I've been able to introduce Ecobabbleism to several major players in the Ecobabble Wars.

Cato Institute among them.

'Environmentalism is a Religion' equals Ecobabbleism.

Now, I need some major player to use the term...and say where the idea came from.

That's Media Planting.

Stay leads to great things...

P.S...If you are a newcomer to this Blog, it's like opening Cracker Jacks from the bottom, to get at the prize. The newest material is posted first. You'll enjoy catching up.